Here are some basic often-used rename operations:

SRename <filename> UPPER

Uppercase suffix:
SRename <filename> SUFFIX UPPER

SRename <filename> LOWER

Lowercase suffix:
SRename <filename> SUFFIX LOWER

Uppercase first character with the rest lowercase:
SRename <filename> LOWER : LEFT 1 UPPER

Uppercase after space:
SRename <filename> WORD 1,-1 LEFT 1 UPPER

Spaces to underscores:
SRename <filename> MATCH " " TO "_"

Underscores to spaces:
SRename <filename> MATCH "_" TO " "

Delete spaces:
SRename <filename> MATCH " " DELETE

Delete individual characters (@#$% for example) :
SRename <filename> MATCH /schr/@#$% DELETE

Rename only the suffix:
SRename <filename> SUFFIX TO <new suffix>

Delete the suffix:
SRename <filename> SUFFIX DELETE

Clip filename length:
SRename <file pattern> MID <maximum filename length> DELETE

Replace one string with another:
SRename <filename> MATCH <string1> TO <string2>

Swap two strings:
SRename <filename> ( MATCH <string1> TO <string2> : MATCH <string2> TO <string1> )

Delete a string:
SRename <filename> MATCH <string> DELETE

Convert to MS-DOS filename format:
SRename <filename> 8+3

Renumber a filename sequence:
SRename <first filename> RENUMBER <new number> STEP <step value>

Insert a number to a filename sequence:
SRename <dir or filepattern> INSERT *<starting number>* AT <position>